
Unified Communication for a Diverse World: Unraveling the Magic!, HoduSoft Podcast

Written by Amy Ralls | Sep 5, 2023 9:07:13 PM

“This is just the beginning.”

“I believe that the magic is in being human to human, says Kartik Khambhati, Co-Founder & Chief Business Development Officer of HoduSoft. Kartik thinks that the silo like definitions of B2B and B2C are perhaps too confining and possibly distort the purpose of delivering products or service. Kartik vision and values are routed in human-to-human contact and in the ways technology and organizations, together, can make humans better off. In this most interesting podcast, as a new member of the Cloud Communications Alliance, Kartik talks about stakeholders, and the stakeholders have to do with meeting the needs people have. UNICEF is a client of HoduSoft. However, Kartik describes how the stakeholders include the parents and children UNICEF helps. Helping UNICEF with its ambitious vaccination program, makes everyone up the chain from client to MSP to carrier, all better off. The “magic” occurs by making people better off, improving lives, and in this way building a, from the ground up impact. “The consumer is an individual,” adding that his approach is being proactive. Kartik discusses a heuristic view, where business success is based on first improving the well-being of people, as technology serves as a bridge to bring people together.

“The biggest stakeholder in any business is a person, the human being… The biggest asset in any business is a human being.”

Kartik walks us through his major product groups: HoduCC (Call Center Software), HoduPBX (IP PBX Software), and HoduBlast (Voice and SMS Broadcasting Software). Their PBX is now STIR/SHAKEN complaint. We learn about a refreshed approach across these product areas.

“The magic is not in the technology. The magic is always in the people.”

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