True North Advisory at CPaaS Showcase, CCA Podcast Series, Part 3

Cloud Connections 2023 CPaaS Showcase
“There’s a lot of opportunity to bring what I call CX extensions to the UCaaS side of the house,” says Michael Tessler, Managing Partner at True North Advisory. Tessler will be among the team of judges who will be assessing leading CPaaS solutions, which will be presented live at next week’s CPaaS Showcase. The Showcase will occur as a part of the Cloud Connections 2023 event in Fort Lauderdale. Tessler tells us that he’s looking for solutions that help CSPs help their business clients deliver innovative CX to their customers. Tessler offers a glimpse of his keynote address that will explore differentiation in a crowded market. CPaaS might be a part of the picture that is delivering the needed differentiation. In looking at the showcase contestants, Tessler will be looking for usability and commercial availability. Tessler co-founded and led BroadSoft as CEO from its early start-up.
In this podcast, Tessler is joined by Kevin Nethercott, Managing Partner of the CPaaSAA who will be both hosting and judging the event. “We’re in about a $15 billion market that’s expected to double,” says Nethercott. “I think we will be pleasantly surprised at what’s there for the small business,” Nethercott adds as he expects to see solutions that are ready to be deployed for organizations of many sizes. Nethercott stresses that the growth and opportunity for CPaaS is now in the SMB sector.

In this podcast series and at the CPaaS Showcase, we will learn not only about the importance of this technology but also about the larger transformative picture of how this technology is set to revolutionize the way people communicate by voice, video, and much more.