TeamMate Technology Moves to Integrate Teams, PBX, UCaaS or CCaaS, with new per phone savings, Podcast

$8 fee per phone might be redundant for some users, now can be saved

“We marry both those worlds,” says Eric Hernaez, CEO of TeamMate Technology. Whether it is a PBX, UCaaS or CCaaS, TeamMate allows Service Providers and enterprises to integrate the PBX that they are already using with Teams, which the organization is likely already using for collaboration. In this podcast, Hernaez outlines an imminent announcement where TeamMate customers will be able to save on an $8 per phone fee, paid to Microsoft, where the existing phone service or system is already delivering a set of services. Usman Zahoor, VP Business Development at TeamMate, PBX, SMS and SIP Connector for Teams discusses how this, and the larger story of their integrating technology, is a great on-ramp for channel partners to win with Microsoft Teams. The company offers a free trail online where partners and enterprises can check out the technology in real time, and to begin a conversation about next steps. The company offers a partner program and a fast onboarding to selling process.


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