STIR/SHAKEN deadline has arrived, TransNexus Podcast

“A lot of people just didn’t want hear it,” says Alec Fenichel, CTO. Today, June 30 is a major deadline for many carriers to comply with the STIR/SHAKEN program. In this podcast, recorded last week at MSP EXPO ITEXPO, we learn about the status of the cascading deadlines, that have come and gone, today’s deadline and next steps. Listeners may be surprised to learn that despite a major effort in both the public and private sectors of the industry to notify and educate people, many carriers are still not prepared, and a Fenichel points out, may have not understood how their company’s carrier status was being defined about this effort.
Fenichel outlines steps people can take today, and in the weeks ahead, to get back on top of this challenge, and the services TransNexus offers companies. TransNexus STIR/SHAKEN solutions enable you to authenticate and digitally sign calls you originate and verify signed calls you receive. These are complete turnkey solutions that include everything you need to deploy STIR/SHAKEN quickly and easily. The good news is that there may be, even today, a path to not face the consequences of not complying. The bad news is that companies that simply miss the deadline without any further action could basically face a situation where they are effectively shut down.
According to the FCC, “STIR/SHAKEN is a framework of interconnected standards. STIR/SHAKEN are acronyms for the Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) and Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information Using toKENs (SHAKEN) standards. This means that calls traveling through interconnected phone networks would have their caller ID "signed" as legitimate by originating carriers and validated by other carriers before reaching consumers. STIR/SHAKEN digitally validates the handoff of phone calls passing through the complex web of networks, allowing the phone company of the consumer receiving the call to verify that a call is in fact from the number displayed on Caller ID.”