SMS/texting 10DLC offers opportunity and risk, Podcast

VCA to host Webinar on 10DLC
Ten-digit long code, 10DLC, could offer terrific opportunities for cloud providers. It also opens the door to liability. “They (the cloud providers) need to find ways that they can still offer these services to their customers and avoid getting hit with penalties and having their customer’s text messages blocked,” said Linda McReynolds, an attorney for the telecom and tech sector and is Of Counsel to Marashlian and Donahue. In this podcast we learn how 10DLC holds the possibility of making long term, numbers that companies have held into renewed and trusted communications tools. Companies will be able to text customers and partners with these numbers, and recipients will be able to call or text back. However, in the name of restricting unwanted spam text messaging, U.S. wireless carriers are requiring businesses to register with The Campaign Registry. Carriers have committed to blocking text messages originating from businesses that are not registered or imposing steep fines for failure to register campaigns and associated numbers. We learn that getting number registered is not free. And we also learn that this all activity occurring in advance of full government regulatory oversight. The Campaign Registry is not a governmental organization; this is an industry-created organization established to vet business text message campaigns. Texting is central to the current era of communications and understanding 10DLC is a first step to success with this development. McReynolds will be participating in an upcoming Cloud Communications Alliance webinar on February 22.
- Learn more about the Webinar
- Learn more about Marashlian and Donahue, The CommLaw Group
- Learn more about Linda G. McReynolds, Of Counsel