RouteTrust steps up to meet challenges of changes communications market, CCA Podcast

“Crushed,” is one of the words Michael Rothchild offers to describe the margins that cloud communications companies face as they sell their services, especially regarding voice. The race to the bottom of pricing on these very commodified services has created an opening for a new relative newcomer, RouteTrust, to offer the market an updated approach. “For us it’s the creation of a vision, the recognition that the status quo was no longer acceptable, we’ve been able to put our thought in to action by creating the RouteTrust platform,” says Rothchild. In this podcast we learn how the company has created a unique platform that takes into consideration a much wider approach than what has come before. Rothchild discusses how smart automation has been deployed to narrow, combine, and streamline separate time and labor consuming functions. Even though the company did not initially set out to find enterprise customers, companies have been finding, switching, and sticking with RouteTrust as they experience gains from having more functions occur under on roof. Rothchild outlines how the company’s founding DNA is based on the idea of customer driven technology.


Cloud Communications Alliance

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