
Prioritizing Customer Experience as a Competitive Differentiator, Podcast

Written by Amy Ralls | Aug 19, 2021 10:04:54 PM

“It’s more about being distinctive,” says Mark Roberts, Chief Marketing Officer of TPx. Surveying a crowded, competitive market, filled with look-a-like services, Roberts notes that many products can “be gotten anywhere.” According to Roberts, it’s the people, the level of expertise, the availability of certified people, team members with direct experience, the quality of advice and the level of trust. These human assets make the difference with what Roberts describes as a service wrapper. In this podcast, Roberts discusses the urgent need to offer distinctiveness along with a stepped-up security posture. Roberts discusses how we have left the “HQ fortress” for a distributed model, and with that model a bewildering array of new risks. We discuss new and emerging challenges, the way the hybrid approach to work challenges old assumptions and how to mitigate current threats. We learn about the advantages of outsourcing security issues, with the benefits of gaining from a broader set of experiences and preparedness for a wider range of scenarios. Roberts makes the case for TPx as a very strong choice in meeting these challenges. “You want to make sure that you’ve got it right,” adds Roberts. In an environment where once stable key team members may have simply, and suddenly, moved on, TPx has distinguished itself by delivering a predictable service people can trust and rely upon.

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