
Podcast: Remote workers are utilizing features when they are easier and more robust

Written by Amy Ralls | May 11, 2020 3:05:01 PM

Mobile Worker Focus Group and UX Study

In early March, Metaswitch conducted a study to better understand product utilization and find out what the customer “really wants”. In this podcast, Chris Carabello, Senior Director - Product Marketing reports the findings. Unsurprisingly, among other things, a more integrated experience and more flexibility, such as multiple identities were among things customers are hoping for. We learn how Metaswitch scored high or above several alternative approaches in several blind tests. “It’s even more critical now,” says Carabello that remote workers get the apps that they need and can actually utilize. We learn that users prefer a more unified and integrated experience verses a “mishmash” of ad hoc, ill-fitting apps and features.

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