Podcast: Netaxis Solutions, a trusted partner and thought leader

“It’s really expertise and trust,” says Tref Davies, Managing Director of Netaxis Solutions. “When companies work with us, we’re adaptable and we deliver the goods.” Netaxis counts the majority of Tier 1 and Tier 2 telcos in the Benelux region as customers. In 2017 Netaxis embarked on a program of international growth, opening offices in The Netherlands, Italy, France and the United Kingdom. Netaxis Solutions has begun to pick up customers in Asia, Africa and the USA. Davies discusses his involvement in the UK ITSP Association and now his connection to the Cloud Communication Alliance. Davies says he saw the CCA as a familiar environment to grow their company and partner with new companies. Davies discusses the value of joining associations and encountering leadership at events such as the CCA conferences. Davies personally offers presentations on APIs, fraud and on panels on other topics. Davies reports that he’s actively involved in multiple events each year.
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