“For us, it’s all about hybrid,” ScanSource Channel Connect 2022 Podcast

“You really have to deliver the whole solution, which to us is all about hybrid” says John Eldh, President of ScanSource Inc. In this podcast we learn how ScanSource and much of its partner community have repositioned to a “hybrid model, where sales include a combination of equipment and digital solutions, in a recurring income approach. According to Eldh, the partners who have made the journey to hybrid are experiencing faster growth and are closing larger deals. The number of suppliers involved in those deals are more numerous. Eldh discusses the idea that we may have made a five-year technology change during an eight-week period, in early 2020. From that pivot point forward, recurring income has grown significantly to reach 24% of the company’s gross profit. Recorded at the ScanSource’s Channel Connect conference, we discuss how the growing importance of hybrid means a wider range of opportunities for partners making the move.
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