
Converged Contact, Going Beyond Mobile UCaaS to Give Businesses a Competitive Edge, Enreach Whitepaper Podcast

Written by Barbara Bouchard | Jun 23, 2023 8:04:57 PM

Going Beyond Mobile UCaaS is an opportunity for the channel, a path for the enterprise

“UCaaS alone, however, is not enough, as hybrid work requires an integrated approach that goes beyond collaboration to also support the employee experience, customer satisfaction and digital transformation initiatives,” writes Jon Arnold an independent technology analyst consultancy. “Add to that a workforce that is increasingly mobile-centric, and business decision-makers must recognize that not all UCaaS offerings are created equal.” In this podcast Jon Arnold is joined by Enreach CCO, Matti Heikkonen, as discuss a new whitepaper, commissioned by Enreach, and authored by Arnold, entitled: Converged Contact, Going Beyond Mobile UCaaS to Give Businesses a Competitive Edge.

Growth and new culture of mobility

We discuss the state of mobility in the European market, and we learn about how this market is not only large and growing, but that it’s a market that consists of many service providers, operating in multiple national and regional markets, confronting complexities that are not as harmonized as many North Americans might imagine. Arnold discusses culture, in terms of market to market, nation to nation, and in terms of different companies and industries. “Mobility is becoming the defacto way we do things, and with that comes a common set of behaviors and expectations,” adds Arnold Heikkonen adds that he sees the European market as having largely accepted some level of mobility, with most companies embracing one or more days as remote. With mobility becoming a standard, Heikkonen sees meeting the needs of that new mobile work culture, as a source of growth.

Arnold identifies Enreach’s approach to delivering native voice, “…which assures the best king of quality and the richer feature sets.” Enreach’s integrated approach, a position that Arnold sees as going beyond UCaaS, helps company’s do a more complete job of digital transformation, and enables partners to go to market with a bigger vision to offer their customers.

Channel Partner

Heikkonen thinks that channel partners can see growth on the new mobility market, especially if they work with clients at a high level, by looking at business impacts and opportunities for an organization that come with those changes.

