Building a new voice network from scratch, Special TelcoBridges Podcast

Building a new voice network in Namibia and beyond, A model for rural communications transformation, Webinar offered from TelcoBridges, Jerasoft and Paratus Africa, A model for rural communications transformation

Alan Percy of TelcoBridges discusses a unique story of a customer that recently built out a voice network, from scratch. “You normally don’t get that opportunity, as a network engineer, a designer, to build a network from scratch,” says Percy. In this podcast, we get a look at a recent webinar where we learn from Ricky Innes, Manager of Voice at Paratus Group, in Namibia, about that story.

“It is an exact model of what we envision the cloud communications community undertaking as they do this network transformation for service providers, especially in the rural parts of North America. Start with fiber, build IP infrastructure onto of that fiber, and then layer on top of it a voice network.”

About the webinar

When building new VoIP networks, capturing call details about subscriber traffic is critical for billing and settling with interconnect operators. In the webinar, you will learn the benefits of a fully integrated solution, leveraging ProSBC with Jerasoft billing software to reduce billing errors and settlement effort.

Watch to hear from Ricky Innes, Manager of Voice at Paratus Africa as he shares their story in building a new voice network in Namibia and beyond. Speakers: - Alan Percy, CMO at TelcoBridges - Ricky Innes, Manager of Voice at Paratus Group - Mike Stukalin, VP of Sales at JeraSoft.

Watch the podcast below

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