Braidio, BroadSource, Radisys, Vonage at CPaaS Showcase, CCA Podcast Series, Part 6

Cloud Connections 2023 CPaaS Showcase
Meet Haydn Faltyn, CEO of BroadSource
“We want to bring what we call, secure payments, as a differentiated product offering, to the CCA,” says Haydn Faltyn, CEO of BroadSource. In this sixth part of our podcast series on the CPaaS Showcase at Cloud Connections 2023, Faltyn is joined by Kevin Nethercott, Managing Partner of the CPaaSAA who will be both hosting and judging the event. Previous episodes of this series include Clark Peterson and Evan Kirstel, who will also be hosting and judging the showcase. “We know that security is a huge issue,” says Nethercott, who is happy to see the CSPs being offered a secure payments financial solution.
BroadSource is among the small group of companies that were present at the creation of the CCA and at the dawn of cloud communications. In this podcast, Faltyn links decades of service to the cloud communications community and innovations to the CSPs to BroadSource’s ideas on CPaaS and creating very practical, applicable products that the CSPs can deploy to create new experiences for customers.

In this podcast series and at the CPaaS Showcase we will not only learn about the importance of this technology but the larger transformative picture of how this technology is set to revolutionize the way people communicate by voice, by video and much more.