Braidio, BroadSource, Radisys, Vonage at CPaaS Showcase, CCA Podcast Series, Part 2

Cloud Connections 2023 CPaaS Showcase

“What’s most compelling are the real word stories about how CPaaS is being used,” says Evan Kirstel, a leading thought leader, writer, podcaster, and influencer, who’s B@B practice has paid a lot of attention to the communications sector of technology. In this podcast Evan Kirstel joins

Kevin Nethercott, Managing Partner of the CPaaSAA as they discuss what they will be looking for as judges in the upcoming CPaaS Showcase to be held at the inaugural Cloud Connections event next week in Fort Lauderdale. The event is being hosted by the Cloud Communications Alliance. Kirstel describes CPaaS as a type of technology that can deliver the type of breakthrough solutions that AI is beginning to deliver across the technology field. We learn that the judges of the showcase are looking for real world applications.

“I think what you’re looking to do is to empower innovators and developers to build things we don’t have yet,” says Kirstel, noting how apps such as Uber brings together several different technologies such as location, payment, SMS and much more into a seamless customer experience.  Kirstel notes that WebRTC began as a novel idea, while now it has become “baked-in”, a path we might see with CPaaS.

Kevin Nethercott

Evan Kirstel

In this podcast series and at the CPaaS Showcase we will not only learn about the importance of this technology but the larger transformative picture of how this technology is set to revolutionize the way people communicate by voice, by video and much more.

Cloud Communications Alliance

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