Braidio, BroadSource, Radisys, Vonage at CPaaS Showcase, CCA Podcast Series, Part 1

Cloud Connections 2023 CPaaS Showcase
Meet two of the judges, Clark Peterson and Kevin Nethercott
“CPaaS bypasses the traditional phone networks and legacy elements and allows people to communicate platform to platform,” says Clark Peterson, Chairman of the Cloud Communications Alliance. Peterson’s organization will be hosting their first ever Cloud Connections event next week in Fort Lauderdale. Cloud Connections 2023 will feature a CPaaS Showcase that Clark, and fellow cloud communications pioneer, Kevin Nethercott, will be hosting and playing the role of judge is a competitive showcase format, where Braidio, BroadSource, Radisys, and Vonage will all present their CPaaS ideas. Nethercott, who today is the managing partner at the CPaaSAA joins Clark in this first in a special podcast series that previews the event. “It’s really about the customer engagement and the customer engagement that CPaaS enables,” says Nethercott.

In this podcast series and at the CPaaS Showcase we will not only learn about the importance of this technology but the larger transformative picture of how this technology is set to revolutionize the way people communicate by voice, by video and much more. In today’s podcast we learn from two leaders who “were there” on the migration from legacy TDM to VoIP, and from on prem to cloud, on how CPaaS might be an even larger era of change because, as both Clark and Nethercott point out, CPaaS connects people from where they are, from the platform they are already using. “I’m looking for solutions that are really useable,” notes Clark, commenting on how the showcase will aim to take the abstract into the practical.