Bandwidth enterprise offering available directly to the enterprise, Podcast

Pindrop announcement made
Migration of a large enterprise to the cloud can be quite daunting, according to Caroline Sutton-Vogler, Senior Director of Enterprise Marketing at Bandwidth. Now, Bandwidth’s enterprise ready solutions are available directly to the enterprise. At this week’s Enterprise Connect, TR’s Ruth Marion sat down with Sutton-Vogler in a podcast and we get a broad overview of the products, solutions and resources available to the enterprise community from Bandwidth. “We want to make the Bandwidth platform the place to be to kick off your contact center migration,” says Sutton-Vogler. We learn about the new announced partnership and integration with Pindrop, a global leader in voice authentication technology. According to the news release, “Now, Pindrop can be natively integrated with Bandwidth at the carrier level, giving enterprises a faster, more direct route to migrate their contact centers to the cloud with Pindrop’s mission-critical authentication and anti-fraud technology already built in.”