Volunteers with Brownstein Write Letters, Collect Candy for Military Members

November 22, 2017 - Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck offices are making the holidays more meaningful this year with firm-wide projects to benefit Operation Gratitude, a volunteer-based nonprofit that sends care packages to the military, first responders and their families. More than 150 Brownstein volunteers supported the firm’s efforts to support veterans and deployed troops with its Veterans Day Karma Projects and the Karma Candy Drive. The letter-writing drive across several Brownstein offices yielded more than 500 personal, handwritten letters to deployed troops, veterans, wounded service members and emergency first responders. The candy drive, through which employees were encouraged to bring in their leftover Halloween candy, brought in more than 300 pounds of candy that will go into care packages for troops stationed overseas, their families waiting for their return and veterans who have previously served. Operation Gratitude, with its mission to “lift spirits and meet the evolving needs of the U.S. Military and First Responder communities,” sends more than 250,000 individual care packages personally addressed to military members and their families, veterans, wounded warriors and new recruits. Each package comes with snacks and treats, toiletries, entertainment, handmade items and personal letters of support, gathered through collection drives, letter-writing campaigns, craft projects and care package assembly events. In Denver, Brownstein will continue to put emphasis on the season of giving with its Karma Toy Drive and Wrapping Party, which will benefit Volunteers for America. Through Dec. 13, the firm will collect new, unwrapped toys that will go to low-income families on during the holidays. Brownstein volunteers will help distribute the gifts—as well as turkeys and the fixings for a holiday dinner—at the Volunteers for America Mission in downtown Denver on Dec. 18. Throughout the year, Brownstein initiates Karma Projects so employees and clients as well as their family and friends can give back to the communities in which they live and work. In each office, Karma Committees plan “done-in-a-day” projects to support local nonprofits, totaling 40 Karma Projects in 2016. To learn more about Operation Gratitude, visit  www.operationgratitude.com. To learn more about Volunteers for America, visit  www.voacolorado.com.
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