"Larger, more distributed workforces are increasing the demand for flexible, scalable communication and collaboration solutions," said
Scott Gode, Chief Product Marketing Officer at Unify Square. "The new PowerSuite offering further underscores our corporate mission of making Skype for Business the best run service in enterprise IT, and is configured to allow IT to derive superior performance from Skype for Business. With this new release, some of the largest Fortune 500 enterprises in the world are now realizing our mission, by leveraging PowerSuite's ability to increase actionability, improve efficiency and decrease time-to-resolution." Enhancements to the new PowerSuite version include:
- Skype for Business Online Readiness: PowerSuite's cloud-ready functionality and managed services are now built into the core suite, and can be used to manage both hybrid and on-prem environments, as well as Skype for Business Online environments.
- Device Management: PowerSuite gives IT teams complete control over their IP-Phone environment for firmware management (including availability awareness) and automatic rollouts, as well as configuration settings. IT can view a comprehensive list of devices which includes the device owner, current firmware version as well as IP/MAC address.
- Entry-Level Offering: Customers looking for a way to get started with a base level of Skype for Business performance and operations management can now select the new entry-level "Standard" Package, which provides enterprises with a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable solution.
- Managed Services Made Easy: The former Unify Square PowerAssurance™ branded cloud managed services offering has now been merged into the PowerSuite portfolio to allow for additional customer choice and flexibility. By choosing the new "Premium" package, customers can receive comprehensive 24x7 proactive monitoring and management of their complete Skype for Business environment.
- White Glove Services: The PowerSuite "Enterprise Pro" package introduces a unique new offering – White Glove Services. This service directly adopts and embraces the Microsoft Skype Operations Framework (SOF) and includes a weekly operations review, led by Unify Square experts. This review provides a set of operations health best practices and benchmarking tailored to each customer's respective environment based on the telemetry broadcast by PowerSuite.
- Self-Service or We-Service Choice: The new PowerSuite is architected for extreme customer choice flexibility. Enterprise IT can decide how they want to manage their Skype for Business environment – from complete DIY, to expert assistance (White Glove Services) to full cloud managed services – depending on the package selected.
For more information about Unify Square's complete PowerSuite platform, packaging, pricing and set of solutions,
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