SARASOTA, FL - August 01, 2016 - Star2Star Communications, the world leader in Scalable Cloud Communications, today announced that the company was very highly rated in the July 2016 edition of the Frost & Sullivan Cloud Unified Communications Buyers' Guide.
The Guide compares and contrasts the Unified Communications offerings from 20 of the 120+ Unified Communications vendors worldwide, comparing core offerings, pricing options, key features and capabilities, and company performance metrics.
"The Frost & Sullivan analysts reiterated what we've been saying for ten years," said Norman Worthington, CEO of Star2Star. "Our unique approach to UC delivers superior value for our customers and for our partners," he continued.
Star2Star received praise for its unique hybrid Blended Architecture, observing that the hybrid approach provides superior service quality and reliability. The report also observed that the architecture "offers an appealing alternative" to fully hosted or complex premise-based systems.
"Star2Star ensures service quality and reliability on multiple levels, which differentiates it from the majority of cloud and premises-based communications providers," said Elka Popova, Program Director and Senior Fellow at Frost & Sullivan.
From a partner perspective, the guide observed that Star2Star's channel-based strategy makes "Star2Star the preferred partner for many resellers as that eliminates any conflict of interest." The guide also observed that partners are drawn to Star2Star for the company's broad portfolio, account protection policies, and evergreen residual commission policy.
A copy of the guide is available from the Star2Star web site.