Sarenet's Security Operation Center (SOC) arouses great interest among its clients for its ability to detect possible cyber attacks

This is one more step in its cybersecurity strategy transversal to its connectivity, voice and hosting services that complies with different standards such as the National Security Scheme and the ISO 27001 regulations.

Zamudio - February 20, 2024 - Sarenet ( ) , the voice and data operator and hosting services for companies, considers cybersecurity as a priority requirement in the solutions it offers to its clients so they can protect their data and users. The unstoppable increase in cyberattacks along with the growing need for connectivity and digitalization of the business world, requires the adoption of all necessary resources by organizations to adequately defend themselves.

To cover these needs, the company offers Sarenet- SOC (Security Operation Center) , a service that has been widely received by the technical resources and its specialized personnel, who are responsible for monitoring and surveillance of its IT infrastructures and its different cybersecurity assets and elements. It is offered as a transversal service to all the operator's solutions.

It is a comprehensive managed security solution, with very close and tailored attention, which acts as preventive, evolutionary and reactive support to guarantee the proper functioning of networks, equipment and data and, ultimately, of businesses.

Permanent monitoring of experts to resolve incidents

The service has 24x7 uninterrupted monitoring and surveillance, centralizing in real time all security events from various sources, receiving alarms or detecting unusual behavior patterns that alert of any anomaly or danger. All of this allows companies to protect themselves from cyber attacks without the need for a team of highly specialized people dedicated day and night to surveillance work.

In the event of any strange behavior or suspected attack detected by the surveillance team, SOC experts evaluate the risks and act with rapid response times to tackle any threat that puts the proper functioning of the business at risk.

To solve the security problem and recover normality as soon as possible, the SOC proceeds with two levels of reactive support, depending on what each company requires: informing the client and offering an advisory service to respond to the incident or attack with different strategies containment, eradication or data repair and recovery.

There is also the possibility, if the client has previously agreed with Sarenet , of acting directly on the company's security devices and carrying out the appropriate operations to mitigate the attack.

Sarenet 's SOC is made up of highly qualified personnel with certification from top-level manufacturers in the solutions used to provide the service . In addition, they comply with the cybersecurity and information security standards of the National Security Scheme (ENS) and the ISO 27001 standard .

Complete and permanent information

The client can conveniently and transparently monitor the SOC activity , either through the client window, providing information related to detected anomalies, analyzed events and evaluation of possible risks or threats, or by consulting an executive report that summarizes the activity. of the SOC . This report shows the status of the monitored assets, placing special emphasis on the notable events, the impact they have had, the measures taken to neutralize them and, if they exist, the consequences generated on the company's assets.

To achieve the best cyber defense, the company relies on top-level manufacturers in the sector, both in network segmentation, access control, the application of AI in the control of network flows or in solutions. advanced workplace protection.

Given the current threats of cyberattacks and security breaches, there is a growing interest in the business world to have cyber insurance policies, a matter that is not easy if certain protocols are not met or qualified personnel are not available. "Before offering a cyber policy, insurers evaluate the potential risk and that the companies' security requirements meet certain standards. Using the services of our SOC paves the way to obtain adequate coverage and strengthens the company's resilience to the growing current threats," says Aitor Jerez , commercial director of Sarenet .

With almost 30 years of experience offering IT solutions to companies, Sarenet is consolidated with this new proposal as an integrator of all the IT service needs of any organization.

SARENET SAU ( ) has established itself nationally as one of the main voice and data operators for the business sector. The company, specialized in providing a comprehensive and high-quality service to companies, offers a global service that ranges from high-speed and reliable connectivity, to high-performance Data Center services, including Cloud Computing solutions, equipment and application hosting. , private networks, IP, mobile and Virtual PBX telephony solutions, professional email, managed cybersecurity and Industrial IoT solutions. Thanks to its wide offering, Sarenet is able to satisfy all the needs that companies may have in relation to the Internet, providing a tailored service to all those clients who increasingly use the Internet to improve their management and communications.

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