Sarenet continues with its support for Industry 4.0

February 12, 2019 in BYTE

Sarenet participates in M4.0, a project to support R & D in Industry 4.0. subsidized by the Basque Government and framed in its HAZITEK program. The objective of Ecosystem M4.0 is to provide the sector of services associated with Industry 4.0 with a 4.0 maintenance tool capable of monitoring, analyzing and predicting the energetic and mechanical behavior of the electromechanical assets present in multiple air conditioning installations.

M4.0 aims to respond to the technological challenge in which the services sector and the industrial sector are immersed in the face of the need to economize and optimize the costs and processes associated with the maintenance of its facilities. In the same way, for the sector of the services related to the industry it is a great opportunity, to take a leap forward in terms of added value, efficiency and effectiveness.  The project includes Intelligent monitoring through the incorporation of IoT technology; Maintenance 4.0 associated with BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology and Business Intelligence thanks to the use of Big Data techniques for data analysis. It also includes Semantic Web for data processing and IA tools for obtaining simulations and predictions.

Development of an IOT HUB by Sarenet

Sarenet participates in the project as a company specialized in IoT infrastructure managed and secured for communications and accommodation oriented to the industrial SME and with extensive experience as a Mobile Virtual Operator and developer of mobility projects.

The Digital Expert Ecosystem M4.0 will allow to support the planning, management and control of industrial maintenance tasks by reporting predictive maintenance plans. In this sense, Sarenet will provide a solution both at the level of interrelated computing devices, and in the reliable and safe bidirectional communication between multiple IoT devices. It also contemplates a back-end of solutions through the development of an IOT HUB, which will allow connecting, supervising and managing those IoT devices involved in the asset monitoring process.

Sarenet participates in the project as a company specialized in IoT infrastructure managed and secured for communications and accommodation aimed at the industrial SME

The capture of data by the devices will be stored in this IOT HUB, which will provide the next layer of the ecosystem with a fundamental part of the data necessary for the management and preparation of the information, which will later be analyzed by the Business Intelligence layer.

Ecosystem M4.0, which will be validated in a real environment, will therefore allow to pass from reactive maintenance to predictive maintenance in tertiary sector facilities thanks to the measurement, monitoring and monitoring of parameters and operating conditions of a device or installation.

M4.0's main objective is to obtain an increasing profitability by improving the productivity of assets and facilities, reducing associated costs and optimizing energy consumption. In addition to helping risk assessment, it minimizes the investment in assets, offering the possibility of diversifying with new products based on monitoring, which results in an increase in commercial margins.

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