Robotext blocking; CRTC traceback rulemaking; FCC UK partnership

  1. Robotext blocking – By September 3, 2024, mobile wireless providers must comply with 47 CFR § 64.1200(p) and block any text message purporting to originate from a North American Numbering Plan (NANP) number on a reasonable do-not-originate list.  The do-not-originate list may include only: a) NANP numbers for which the subscriber to the number has requested that texts purporting to originate from that number be blocked; b) NANP numbers that are not valid; c) Valid NANP numbers that are not allocated to a provider by the NANP Administrator; and d) Valid NANP numbers that are allocated to a provider by the NANP Administrator, but are unused, so long as the provider blocking the message is the allocatee of the number and confirms that the number is unused or has obtained verification from the allocatee that the number is unused at the time of blocking. The compliance date was announced after OMB approval of the new rule (see Federal Register pre-publication).
  2. CRTC traceback rulemaking – The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission issued a consultation seeking comments by March 29 on requiring telecom service providers to participate in the call traceback process, which today is only voluntary, and only 10 providers participate.  Commenters are asked to address anticipated costs, operational burdens, or technical challenges should they be required to participate. If adopted, the CRTC asked whether a two business days response time is appropriate and whether it should publish individual traceback results.
  3. FCC UK partnership - The FCC and the Information Commissioner’s Office of the United Kingdom announced a partnership to cooperate on enforcement matters related to unlawful robocalls and robotexts, as well as efforts to protect consumers’ privacy and sensitive data.
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