Written by Amy Ralls | May 16, 2019 4:00:00 AM
BELMONT, Calif.--
May 15, 2019--
RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE: RNG), a leading provider of global enterprise cloud communications, collaboration, and contact center solutions, today announced it has ranked first in
IHS Markit 2019 Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) North American Scorecard for the third consecutive year. The IHS Markit annual report evaluates the top 10 North American UCaaS providers, based on market share, financial stability, market momentum, service development, and support options. This year, RingCentral is separated from others by a wide margin due to its market share position, growth, product capabilities, and traction in the mid-market and enterprise segments. The 2019 IHS Markit UCaaS North American Scorecard highlights a number of key strengths for RingCentral, including:
- Largest UCaaS provider in North America in terms of installed base of seats
- Almost 2x average market growth
- Has the strongest financial score among other vendors rated in the scorecard
- Accelerated growth of RingCentral’s business in the mid-market and enterprise segments
“For the third consecutive year, we are recognizing RingCentral as the top-ranked company in the IHS Markit North American UCaaS Leadership Scorecard,” said Diane Myers, senior research director at IHS Markit. “RingCentral continues to lead in important categories, including global expansion, growth of its installed base, and investments in customer success and professional services.” “Digital transformation continues to shape the modern workforce, and increasingly workers rely heavily on unified communications and collaboration to drive greater employee productivity and business efficiencies,” said Riadh Dridi, chief marketing officer for RingCentral. “We are honored to be ranked no. 1 for the third year in a row by IHS Markit, validating our commitment to product innovation and customer service excellence.” Results based on IHS Markit, Technology Group, UC as a Service (UCaaS) Scorecard: North America, 8 May 2019. For more information, please view a
complimentary copy of the IHS Markit 2019 North American UCaaS Scorecard. Results are not an endorsement of RingCentral. Visit technology.ihs.com for more details. More at