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Ready, AIM, Automate! Park Bench Releases odin V Optimization Platform for BroadWorks

Written by Amy Ralls | Jul 9, 2020 4:00:00 AM
Tampa, FL - July 3, 2020 - The release of odin V brings long-awaited innovation and additional cost-savings for Cisco BroadWorks operators worldwide. The company believes that it has taken automated solutions to a new level. “Our goal has always been to simplify, modernize, and automate any solution – and this update dramatically improves our ability to do that for our customers. We’re excited to share odin V with you,” says Marc Tribbe, CEO and Founder of Park Bench Solutions. With odin V, Park Bench launches a new utility called ‘odin AIM’ (audit.import.migrate), providing the first full configuration backup process and point-in-time recoverability for BroadWorks.  AIM can also seamlessly move entire enterprises, groups, users and devices between different instances, versions and locations. Managing Partner, James Lee, states that “odin AIM provides our Service Providers with total portability of their BroadWorks configuration data and rocket fuel for M&A or large-scale consolidation plays.” In odin V, Park Bench now bundles their award-winning odin API (a well-documented RESTful version of Broadworks OCI), webhooks and callbacks technology, and odinWeb design code into their ‘odin Automation Suite’.  This collection of tools and features is designed to eliminate the ongoing cycle of re-development, re-testing and re-certification between any internal, custom or third-party apps and BroadWorks every time there is a new update or release.  Along with the Automation Suite for Service Providers, Park Bench also officially releases ‘odin Connect’, designed to do the same for the entire ISV Partner community and BroadWorks eco-system.  “Any software vendor that wants to push or pull information to or from BroadWorks can now do so with ease with ‘odin Connect’.  Our typical integration process is completed in under 3 weeks” says CEO Tribbe. When ‘odin AIM’ is combined with the ‘odin Automation Suite’ and inherent multi-tenant capabilities of their platform, there is a powerful and valuable result. The acquiring company no longer needs to upgrade all Broadworks instances to the same version and migrate slowly and expensively over time. All third-party integrations (such as billing, CRM, call recording or device management systems), automation workflows, user and employee training, and support documentation can be done one time and in one central place.  “Any number of different BroadWorks versions and locations can be assimilated behind the scenes with odin V by simply pointing them to the same production instance of odin.  The acceleration, velocity and profit potential is impressive”, states Lee. Other features of odin V include a streamlined new Admin, Reseller, and Customer portal experiences with clean, responsive left-hand navigation menu, Transport Security Layer (TLS) encryption, forgot password / password reset capabilities, and dozens of new Bulk Provisioning and Bulk User Actions designed to reduce provisioning costs by an average of a 100:1 reduction. To learn more, visit Park Bench Solutions online ( to see the new ‘odin V’ launch video, request a demo, and to find testimonials from both Park Bench Service Providers and ISV Integration Partners.