Maximum protection against cyber threats

11 April 2019 in THE MAIL

Sarenet offers protection throughout the threat cycle thanks to the most advanced technology

Nowadays the need of companies to connect computers, mobile devices and industrial machinery to the network is evident. Therefore, protecting computers, systems and telematic resources from malicious attacks is an area of ​​priority attention and a growing demand from companies and, as such, it is essential to adopt a prevention attitude and implement cybersecurity measures to avoid serious problems.

Sarenet has a security advisory service so that the supplier has a deep knowledge of the business environment and a high technological capacity, offers an accurate analysis of risks and security gaps that allow to detect and eliminate vulnerabilities and offer the most appropriate and effective solution to possible attacks. In addition, the safety of our lines is added to the security implanted in the customer's network, with intrusion detection systems, tools that examine the activity of the network, a maintenance and surveillance service and a highly qualified technical team that acts quickly before any suspicion of an attack. And, most importantly, it offers protection throughout the life cycle of the threat, establishing layers of security in all possible areas of attack with the most advanced technology:

- Perimeter Defense: web tool to mitigate DDoS attacks launched against Internet IPs associated with client connections. The company can visualize the tool that monitors the traffic to its IPs, detect that it is being attacked and activate filters on demand. You can also contract your management to Sarenet so that it is our own SOC who runs the filters or notifies the client if it detects an attack.

- Border firewall: Sarenet offers last generation perimeter firewalls (Fortinet) with application control, IPS, IDS, antivirus and Web filtering and incorporates capabilities to create external access to the corporate network through SSL and IP Sec tunnels. The equipment can be Dedicated only to your company or in virtual format shared among several clients.

- Web application firewall: to protect the applications exposed to Internet access by the users of your company we use specific devices and keep the rules based on those that are permanently updated, because if they do not, they would be a very important access point easy and vulnerable for hackers.

- Control of MPLS flows: to prevent the propagation of infections in the MPLS networks of the company, we have designed a firewall that allows you to create rules for IPs, networks and VLANs to say who sees who in your network. A service accessible via web from our 'client window' that with a click activates rules so that the offices can only see the equipment housed in Sarenet and go online.

- Routers of the venues: we offer the complete management of the routers of the venues so that they are efficient equipment without failures of security. This includes high availability configurations, firmware updates, creation of rules and internal segmentations and copies of the configurations for fast restorations.

- LAN segmentation: audit service, monitoring and segmentation of the central LAN and the most relevant centers in IT and OT environments, and administration of the necessary security policies in high-end networking equipment. In addition, we offer periodic review of the ports of the switches that are monitored with the most appropriate tools in each case (lntermapper, E-Sight, Nagios).

- Control of access to the network (NAC): we can connect workers with company resources protecting their devices regardless of location, whether in the data center, the cloud or mobile applications. The service allows the administrator to configure contextual access policies in the NAC to control access to the cloud and the data center based on devices, locations, resources, users and groups, or even endpoint profiling.

- Security in the equipment (endpoint): to protect the final equipment it is essential to establish a defense strategy using leading tools such as the most outstanding endpoints in the market, which stops the widest variety of threats, the Sophos lntercept X. It is the maximum evolution of a traditional antivirus that detects known and unknown malware without the need for signatures. It is installed on the computer and it anticipates the reception of a signature that verifies that the file that arrives is infected using 'deep learning' techniques. It is also capable of interpreting executions of programs to suspend them if it suspects that it is a virus.

- Evolutionary audits: continuous monitoring of the elements related to cybersecurity. Through probes and agents the assets (equipment, routers, printers, etc.) are interrogated and the information is collected to be visualized in a web tool that concentrates in a panel the security status of the audited elements allowing you to have an updated photo of the security level of your systems.

- Contingency plans: allow us to restore data or complete machines quickly implementing Veeam technology in our data centers (Veeam Cloud Service Provider), to offer users a simple, cost-effective solution with a high degree of integration, being able to access the storage of copies, restore them at any time and replicate virtual machines in an external environment in a secure way to activate them when needed. We also offer the service with which we help design the storage strategy, the replicas and the backup copies and we configure it adjusting to your needs. And we take care of recovering all the information stored until just before the attack of a virus.

- Security operations center (SOC): alert service generated by all services and actions on these security services. With it, an SME can outsource everything related to cybersecurity in Sarenet without having to have experts in its staff.

Cloud Communications Alliance

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