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Written by mojotech | Jun 17, 2014 4:00:00 AM
Global On Demand Network Modifications with Calendaring Options Captures Judges’ Attention Dallas – June 11, 2014Masergy Communications Inc., a global leader in managed networking and cloud services, today announced its Intelligent Service Control (ISC) with global on-demand bandwidth and pre-scheduled calendaring options has been named as a finalist in the Light Reading 2014 Leading Lights awards program in the Most Innovative Enterprise Service category. The Leading Lights awards are the telecom industry’s most prestigious awards program and focus on next-generation communications technologies, applications, services, and strategies. Masergy’s Intelligent Service Control (ISC) allows enterprise organizations to make real-time changes to their network service or pre-schedule bandwidth modifications to support high-data usage scenarios such as backup or replication, large multi-point high definition video conferencing calls, software updates and cloud computing resource allocations. Masergy ISC is available as a desktop application or a mobile app on iOS and Android platforms. “Masergy was the first company to offer enterprises the ability to dynamically control their network services in real time through our award-winning Intelligent Service Control (ISC) application,” said Tim Naramore, Masergy’s Chief Technology Officer.  “Driven by customer requests, we recently added the calendaring function, enabling customers to pre-define network modifications to closely align IT with their specific business needs. We are constantly adding new enhancements to our service and are proud that our innovation has been recognized by Light Reading.” Light Reading Editor-in-Chief Ray Le Maistre said, “The quality of the entries across all the categories was extremely high, resulting in a very compelling group of finalists. They also reflect the ongoing innovation we're all witnessing in the communications services and technology sectors.” Judging was conducted by Light Reading's editors and the analyst team from Heavy Reading ( The Leading Lights Awards winners will be announced at an awards dinner in Chicago on Tuesday, June 17, to coincide with the Big Telecom Event (