Greece Continues to Foster Consumer Choice and Convenience with iconectiv Number Portability New Contract

  • What’s the News: iconectiv has been providing mobile number portability service in Greece since 2004. After winning the new public tender, iconectiv will continue providing mobile and fixed number portability service for an additional five years in Greece, which is one of a few countries in the world offering portability for both types of telecom service.
  • Why it Matters: For nearly 20 years, Greece has been a trailblazer in offering number portability, which helps drive innovation across service providers by offering consumers and businesses convenience and choice for their telecom needs. Number portability additionally helps Greece’s regulators more efficiently manage their numbering resources.
BRIDGEWATER, NJ - March 8, 2023 - Continuing its commitment to offering consumers and businesses choice and convenience in switching telecom service providers, Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) in Greece has concluded a new contract with iconectiv, an authoritative partner of the global communications industry, to provide the iconectiv® TruNumber Portability Clearinghouse service in the country for another five years. For nearly 20 years, iconectiv—the world leader in number portability and ambassador for trusted communications—has played a key role in enabling national number portability across Greece, where each year an estimated 750,000 residents switch their mobile or fixed phone number from one service provider to another based on their personal and business telecommunications needs. This is all thanks to the national implementation of iconectiv’s TruNumber Portability Clearinghouse service, which is designed for regulators to introduce and administer number portability and simplify port processing for service providers. Capable of porting all number types through one comprehensive and centralized system, TruNumber Portability Clearinghouse ensures a simple, secure and scalable platform that helps meet all regulatory mandates and national number portability requirements. “On a global scale, Greece has been at the forefront in allowing residents to keep their phone number when switching phone providers, which in addition to greatly benefiting Greek residents boosts innovation and creates a stronger communications marketplace, while giving EETT and service providers a secure, streamlined solution,” said Peter Ford, Executive Vice President at iconectiv. In addition to Greece, more than 12 countries leverage number portability solutions from iconectiv. Greece is one of the six countries in the world that support both fixed and wireless number portability powered by the iconectiv platform. More at
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