GENBAND Collaborates with Red Hat to Help Service Providers Accelerate Network Migration to the Cloud

Red Hat certifies GENBAND Network Functions and VNF Manager on Red Hat OpenStack Platform; solutions designed to offer service providers the ability to deliver services faster and more efficiently

Los Angeles, CA – July 17, 2017 –  GENBAND , a leading provider of real time communications software solutions, today announced from its annual customer & partner summit,  Perspectives17, collaboration with Red Hat, the world’s leading provider of open source solutions to bring  Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) solutions to market to enable service providers to offer service agility and operational efficiencies from the telco cloud. Red Hat has certified multiple GENBAND  Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) solutions and its  VNF Manager on Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10. GENBAND is also part of the  Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners and  Red Hat Connect for Business Partners programs. “Ecosystem partners such as GENBAND are critical to helping us accelerate the adoption of NFV and migration of telco workloads to the cloud,” said Radhesh Balakrishnan, General Manager, OpenStack, Red Hat. “Being able to deliver certified solutions enable service providers to make their services available faster, more efficiently and at reduced costs, while helping to drive an increase in the adoption of NFV. That’s another reason we are happy to welcome GENBAND and their VNF solutions to our ecosystem.” “Red Hat is a leader in the delivery of OpenStack for NFV environments, so we are delighted to be a part of their ecosystem and confident that our VNF solutions will be an integral part of our success moving forward,” said Sanjay Bhatia, Vice President of Solutions Marketing and Strategy, GENBAND. “We are already actively engaged in strategic projects at multiple large service providers and are looking forward to helping bring about increased network agility through certified solutions.” The certified GENBAND VNFs include: Advanced Control Software (ACS) VNF for  Session Border Controller (SBC ) applications;  C3 Call Session Controller VNFAdvanced Media Software (AMS) VNF for distributed Access and Interconnect SBCs, and Media Interworking & Transcoding applications including IMS Media Resource Function and IMS Media Gateway; and  Converged Intelligent Messaging (CIM) VNF for Voice Mail & Messaging applications. GENBAND’s VNF Manager enables the lifecycle management of GENBAND and third party VNFs and has been certified for Red Hat OpenStack Platform virtualized infrastructure manager (VIM). GENBAND’s NFV solutions also include Predictive Analytics and Element Management. Red Hat’s NFV solution is based on fully open source components. Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10 also supports DPDK Accelerated Open V-Switch (OVS) and SR-IOV utilized by the Advanced Media Software (AMS) VNF for high performance media processing. Key Takeaways:
  • GENBAND is collaborating with Red Hat to deliver certified NFV solutions to market to enable service providers to offer service agility and operational efficiencies from the telco cloud.
●      Red Hat has certified multiple GENBAND VNFs (including Advanced Control Software for Session Border Controller applications; C3 Call Session Controller VNF; Advanced Media Software for distributed Access and Interconnect; and Converged Intelligent Messaging for Voice Mail & Messaging applications) and its VNF Manager on Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10.
  • GENBAND is part of the Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners and Red Hat Connect for Business Partners programs.
  • The companies are involved in active engagements at multiple large global service providers.
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