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Cooley Supports UK Startups with Tech Nation’s Upscale

Written by Amy Ralls | Feb 1, 2019 5:00:00 AM
London – January 25, 2019 – For the fourth consecutive year, Cooley is the legal partner for Tech Nation’s growth programme Upscale, which is aimed at accelerating the scale of the UK’s leading emerging companies through workshops, socials and meetups. The six-month initiative is tailored to empower growth with the help of world-class coaches and individuals who have built some of the most successful technology companies of our time. "Our long-standing partnership with Tech Nation on Upscale has already provided more than 100 mid-stage companies with essential skills to help scale their businesses,” said London-based Cooley emerging companies partner Aaron Archer. “We're proud to be part of this initiative, working with some of the UK's top, next-generation businesses.” “Upscale not only serves its cohorts but does a great deal to grow the UK tech ecosystem,” added Chris Coulter, a London-based Cooley partner in the firm’s technology transactions group. “It aligns with our core principals as a firm to be a part of something so impactful on the next generation of innovators.” Cooley advises 6,000+ innovative, high-growth companies, from pre-formation founder teams to many of the most sophisticated tech companies in the world. In 2014, Cooley launched Cooley GO, a free resource for designed to help entrepreneurs grow their business with easy-to-navigate information and document generators. Through this resource, entrepreneurs can also view Cooley's quarterly reports on  venture capital financing trends. About Cooley LLP Clients partner with Cooley on transformative deals, complex IP and regulatory matters, and high-stakes litigation, where innovation meets the law. Cooley has 1,000+ lawyers across 13 offices in the United States, China and Europe.