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Cooley Achieves Diversity Lab’s Mansfield 3.0 Certification Plus Status

Written by Amy Ralls | Sep 18, 2020 4:00:00 AM
Firm certified each year since organization’s pilot program Palo Alto – September 16, 2020 – Cooley has achieved Diversity Lab’s Mansfield Certification for the third year in a row after completing the Mansfield Rule 3.0 certification program. Cooley was also distinguished with Mansfield Certification “Plus” status for successfully reaching at least 30% representation of women lawyers, lawyers of color, LGBTQ+ lawyers or lawyers with disabilities in a notable number of current leadership roles. The goal of the Mansfield Rule is to boost underrepresented lawyers in law firm leadership by broadening the pool of candidates considered for opportunities. The certification measures whether firms have affirmatively considered at least 30% women lawyers, lawyers of color, LGBTQ+ lawyers and lawyers with disabilities for recruitment, governance roles, equity partner promotions and inclusion in formal pitch presentations to clients. Cooley will continue participation in the Mansfield Rule program with the launch of Mansfield 4.0. “We are incredibly proud of these firms that remained steadfastly focused on inclusivity through the Mansfield Rule as the pandemic and its implications disrupted so many business processes,” said Lisa Kirby, chief intelligence & knowledge sharing officer at Diversity Lab, which is dedicated to boosting diversity in law firms and legal departments. “The shattering examples of racial injustice we’ve witnessed this summer caused many firms to further deepen their commitment to taking direct action to equalize the playing field in law firm leadership.” Cooley has been widely recognized for its diversity, equity and inclusion efforts by leading industry organizations and publications, including earning a  perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index for the fourth time and a place on  Working Mother Magazine’s Best Law Firms for Women list for nine consecutive years, About Cooley LLP Clients partner with Cooley on transformative deals, complex IP and regulatory matters, and high-stakes litigation, where innovation meets the law. Cooley has 1,100+ lawyers across 16 offices in the United States, Asia and Europe.