If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this Advisory and how it may impact your company, please contact the attorney assigned to your account or
Allison D. Rule at
adr@commlawgroup.com / 703-714-1312.
For Advice on 911 Fees and Other Communications Taxes & Regulatory Fees, Ask Our Experts! Allison is co-chair of Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC's
Communications Taxes & Fees practice. Her practice encompasses
all elements of regulatory fees and communications taxes, including 911. For example:
- Represented clients involved in the multi-jurisdictional 911 litigation and intimately familiar with issues underlying FCC's declaratory ruling;
- Assists clients with "Operational Best Practices," including on-boarding and optimization of OSS/BSS & tax calculation engine software or content:
- Regulatory Classification Analyses: To determine applicable classification and impact assessments based thereon;
- Tax & Fee Billing Optimizations: To identify tax & fee mitigation opportunities available under applicable law;
- Tax & Fee "Mapping": To map product/service catalogs to tax calculation engines, such as Avalara and CCH SureTax;
- Invoice Testing: To validate output prior to passing taxes and fees to customers;
- Invoice Presentation: To align visual manifestation of service offering to consumer and governmental agents with the most desirous and applicable regulatory classification (in support of "optimization"/"fee mitigation" guidance); and
- Regulatory and tax audit representation.