30 Sep, 2021
The Cloud Communications Alliance continues to fight for our domestic and overseas members to ensure that the important regulatory efforts to stop illegal robocalls do not result in unreasonable obligations. One particular area of concern is the FCC’s requirement that foreign voice service providers register in the FCC’s robocall mitigation database. Although several foreign providers have registered, not all have learned about the requirement and others may be reluctant to file. Those that do not file in the database, however, may have their calls blocked. That is why the CCA, along with INCOMPAS and the Voice on the Net (VON) Coalition joined together to urge the commission to delay enforcement of the foreign provider registration requirement. The joint filing can be found here:
INCOMPAS VON CCA Letter - Docket Nos. 17-59, 17-97 (9.23.21).pdf (fcc.gov)<https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/109231407405844/INCOMPAS%20VON%20CCA%20Letter%20-%20Docket%20Nos.%2017-59%2C%2017-97%20(9.23.21).pdf>
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