Written by Amy Ralls | Apr 14, 2020 4:00:00 AM
With many working from home offices, the need for privacy in a video conferencing solution is essential. CT Cloud Meeting powered by Zoom provides privacy for customers. South Jordan, Utah - April 14, 2020 -
CallTower, a global leader in delivering cloud-based enterprise-class unified communications and collaboration solutions, responds to concerns regarding
Zoom Conferencing privacy concerns with a reaffirmation that their CT Cloud Meeting powered by Zoom solution is private. CT Cloud Meeting powered by Zoom runs on a separate branch of the Zoom code in an independent secure datacenter from Zoom’s production network and users. Within the private domain of the CT Cloud Meeting server, accounts are activated, provisioned, and unique user IDs and usernames are generated and configured. No further user personal data is shared with the platform.
“User-data privacy is fundamental to CallTower. Zoom Conferencing continues to face ongoing user privacy concerns. CallTower does not integrate with social media and does not sell user-information to 3rd party entities,” said CallTower’s Chief Technology Officer, Brandon Watts. “Determining privacy compliance requires understanding how solutions fit into your organizational level of compliance. As you conduct your organizational review, we are happy to provide you with technical details about the various security functions within our solutions that you can leverage to assist with your organizational level of privacy.”
“CallTower is proud to deliver a video conferencing solution with privacy for our customers,” said CallTower’s Chief Revenue Officer, William Rubio. “Today, empowering business to quickly and easily go remote with their entire workforce is imperative. We are grateful that we can provide solutions that can keep employees working with free, no-commitment conferencing.” CallTower recently
announced offerings of no commitment, no strings attached CT Cloud Meeting powered by Zoom solution, available to businesses through June 30, 2020. This option is available to keep employees working remotely during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. CallTower is ready to deploy CT Cloud Meeting powered by Zoom in less than 24-hours.
Access the Free Video Conferencing Center to get started. More at