Written by Amy Ralls | Jul 12, 2019 4:00:00 AM
July 11, 2019 - Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck’s Pro Bono Program was recognized through
The American Lawyer’s 2019 National Pro Bono Rankings and ranked 63 among the top 200 law firms in the nation for 2018 performance. Brownstein’s ranking jumped five spots from the publication’s 2018 National Pro Bono Rankings. The chart ranks the Am Law 200 by their pro bono score for work performed by U.S.-based lawyers. Half of the score comes from the average number of pro bono hours per lawyer in 2018; the other half represents the percentage of lawyers who performed more than 20 hours of pro bono work. “Giving back is one of Brownstein’s core values, and we are proud our ranking reflects our commitment to pro bono work and serving our communities,” said Pro Bono Partner Martha Fitzgerald. “We are committed to giving back and touching the lives of individuals, organizations and vulnerable, underserved populations who could not otherwise afford legal representation.” In 2018, Brownstein attorneys, policy professionals and staff performed more than 10,500 pro bono hours. To see
The American Lawyer’s rankings, click