Written by Amy Ralls | Sep 18, 2020 4:00:00 AM
September 15, 2020 - For the third consecutive year, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck achieved Mansfield Certification from the Diversity Lab, which recognizes the firm’s commitment to leading the charge toward greater diversity and inclusion in the legal industry. Brownstein is one of 100 leading law firms who achieved certification after completing a 12-month program. Mansfield Rule Certification measures whether law firms have affirmatively considered women, attorneys of color, LGBTQ+ attorneys and attorneys with disabilities—at least 30% of the candidate pool—for recruitment, governance roles, equity partner promotions and inclusion in formal pitch presentations to clients. The firm was further recognized with “Plus” designation, indicating that, in addition to meeting or exceeding the baseline requirements, Brownstein has successfully reached at least 30% diverse lawyer representation in a notable number of its current leadership roles. “We are honored to once again receive Mansfield Certification as well as this year’s Plus designation. We will continue to strive for meaningful ways to enhance our diversity and inclusion programs throughout the firm and within our communities and appreciate this recognition of the efforts of so many here at Brownstein,” said Rich Benenson, Brownstein’s managing partner. “We are incredibly proud of these firms that remained steadfastly focused on inclusivity through the Mansfield Rule as the pandemic and its implications disrupted so many business processes,” said Lisa Kirby, chief intelligence & knowledge sharing officer at Diversity Lab. “And the shattering examples of racial injustice we’ve witnessed this summer caused many firms to further deepen their commitment to taking direct action to equalize the playing field in law firm leadership.” As part of its continued efforts to advance racial equality, Brownstein joined the Law Firm Antiracism Alliance (LFAA), a coalition of more than 270 firms across the nation dedicated to identifying and dismantling system racism in the law and society at large. The firm has also taken B:CIVIC’s pledge and joined a unified coalition of CEOs standing against racism. Additionally, Brownstein was recently recognized for its gender diversity efforts, ranking sixth on
The American Lawyer’s list of firms with the highest percentage of female equity partners and being named as one of
Working Mother’s “Best Law Firms for Women” for the second consecutive year.