Aire Networks obtains the high category of the National Security Scheme

July 22, 2022 - Aire Networks, a leading telecommunications solutions company, has obtained the  certificate of the National Security Scheme (ENS) in the high category , which highlights the strength and security of the services it provides, through absolute compliance standards, respecting confidentiality in electronic operations and complying with the legal requirements of the Public Administrations (AA.PP.). The company, which already had the basic ENS certification, thus reinforces its position in the market and obtains recognition for its security policy in the use of electronic means, as well as for the protection of its information systems. The National Security Scheme (ENS) is a set of regulations that makes it possible to create and maintain the necessary security conditions in the use of electronic means, through measures that guarantee the security of systems, data, communications and services. electronic, to facilitate the exercise of rights and fulfillment of duties through these means. Specifically, the certification recognizes public cloud, data center and remote desktop services; which represents another step in the trajectory of  Oasix , the cloud and data center division of Aire Networks and Grupo Aire . An area in which growth has been exponential in the last year, especially highlighting the inauguration of two data centers, in Malaga and Talavera de la Reina. These are added to the network of federated neutral data centers that the company has and that serve as the nerve center of the services provided. A set of milestones that positions the company and the Group in technological leadership at the peninsular level. “Our company has always maintained a clear commitment to prioritizing the security of the information it handles. Therefore, this recognition as a high category in the National Security Scheme reinforces our commitment to data security and privacy”, says Raúl Aledo, CEO of Aire Networks.
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