HUNTSVILLE, Ala.--September 12, 2016--
ADTRAN®, Inc., (NASDAQ:ADTN), a leading provider of next-generation open networking solutions, today announced its ProCloud Subscriber Suite of tools that streamline the creation, delivery and management of broadband services for operators. The ProCloud Subscriber Suite features multiple tools providing a comprehensive offering for operators, including automated subscriber activation, subscriber analytics and a subscriber portal for more granular in-home network visibility. The suite reduces time, calls and truck rolls for operators, provides tools to understand subscriber performance that enable increased monthly revenue opportunities and visibility to in-home devices for both operators and subscribers. ADTRAN’s ProCloud Subscriber Suite also delivers industry-leading financial benefits coupled with orchestration technologies to create a viable option for operators that want to rapidly scale FTTH and triple play deployments, but have resource and financial challenges. ProCloud Subscriber Activation, the first tool in the suite, significantly reduces operators’ expenses when activating subscriber services while enhancing the subscribers’ quality of experience by streamlining the provisioning process. ProCloud Subscriber Activation also includes the industry’s first Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering, enabling operators to eliminate the traditional upfront capital expense of the ONT and residential gateway. The combination of these two components offers dramatic operational and balance sheet flexibility for operators. Service providers face big challenges when scaling residential triple play services due to the time and resources associated with pre-provisioning and deploying new equipment. With FTTH deployments spanning thousands of homes, eliminating the manual pre-configuration and provisioning model improves service delivery speed and overall profit margins by removing human error, providing troubleshooting visibility and automatically setting the service definitions based on the system order. Based on open APIs and ADTRAN’s SDN-based
Mosaic Cloud architecture to streamline service automation, ADTRAN’s ProCloud Subscriber Activation orchestration software automates the subscriber activation process by discovering subscriber equipment and provisioning it on the fly while ensuring 100% accuracy between billing and provisioning systems. In addition to the inherent operational expense reduction that ProCloud Subscriber Activation’s automation affords, it also provides balance sheet benefits for operators. For the first time, the IaaS component provides a mechanism for operators to pay for the subscriber equipment over time, matching monthly revenue and cost by eliminating upfront capital expenses. In addition to the subscriber equipment, the IaaS offering includes an extended warranty and equipment sparing, enabling operators to provide rapid average time to repair. “ADTRAN’s ProCloud Subscriber Activation delivers an unmatched solution that improves a subscriber’s initial engagement with an operator by streamlining broadband service activation, resulting in a high quality of experience,” said Todd Lattanzi, director, cloud services portfolio, ADTRAN. “Combined with automation, the IaaS component changes the financial landscape for operators, improving cash flow by eliminating the upfront capital expense for subscriber equipment. The combination delivers benefits for both operators and subscribers with a service activation experience second to none.” For more information, please visit