The Cloud Communications Alliance holding first meeting of 2014 in Miami Beach, one day before IT Expo

We have not reserved any sleeping rooms, because many of you are planning on coming to IT Expo ( and are planning on staying at one of the IT Expo Hotels. You can book hotel rooms at the discounted IT EXPO rate (even if you are not going to IT Expo at
Or choose your favorite hotel on Miami Beach. Our meeting will be held at the “W” Hotel on South Beach. 2201 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach 33139.
Here is our agenda.
2014 New Year Kickoff Meeting REGISTER HERE
January 27- Meeting starts at 11:00 am
11-12 Chris Canter will give an executive walk-through of www.CommTRACK$.com, a regulatory compliance platform
12-1 PM Unified Communications benefit and ROI Analysis tool- Phil Edholm
Lunch- 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
2:30 to 5:30 Open Mike- A time to share best practices, worst problems and everything in between with your fellow Cloud companies
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Dinner at the W Hotel
January 28- Meeting starts 8:00 am
8- 10 Breakfast with Oracle
10-11 Meet the latest Cloud Communications Member companies
11-11:30 Update on Peering Project
11:30-12 TBA
Meeting Adjourns at 12 Noon in time to join IT Expo